Praise for Curb
Jaquira Díaz, Rigoberto González, Sequoia Nagamatsu, Khadijah Queen
Judges Citation, PEN America Open Book Award
Layered, rich, and epic, Curb is an incredible collection that must be read and re-read.
Cathy Park Hong
Always at the edge of war and friendship, Curb reminds us that in brutality we still manage to lift, salvage, hold the beautiful things, not least of which each other.
Julietta Singh, for The Millions
Jenny Bhat, for NPR
In poems of brilliant aesthetic diversity and haunting imagery, Curb illuminates and challenges the boundaries that divide and discipline us.
Evie Shockley, for NPR
This is an incredibly well-crafted collection by a globally minded, locally rooted, exceedingly brilliant poet.
Booklist, starred review
Praise for Kith
Douglas Kearney
[In] Kith, it turns out that kith is also kin and kin is also kith and the neighbor is also friend, enemy, and the other neighbor's neighbor, and ‘we’ are all stuck here at the limits of language grasping for new forms of community and belonging when those words suck too yet refuse to burn.
Syd (Rachel) Zolf
Amitava Kumar
[Kith’s] formal juxtaposition highlights Victor’s penchant for genre-bending experimentalism as well as her linguistic and cerebral dexterity.
Eric Schmaltz, for The Puritan